Sometime around 2003, I started paying more attention to custom or vanity license plates. I was always intrigued by them trying to figure out what they were saying, if there is a message behind it or some reason for this special plate to be designed. That grew into us as a family looking for them and trying to figure them out and finally with me taking pictures of the difficult ones and asking people online to help. Now it is just a plain old obsession of mine. I have even driven one exit out of my way trying to get one of our children to take a picture of the license plate. So yeah, it is bad, not too bad, but bad.
Please enjoy them, comment on what you think they mean and share them with others so they can also try to figure them out. They are in alphabetical order so use the dots to move forward and back in the gallery.
The photo above is the first photo that started me on my journey and curiosity in this area.
Click on the photo to comment and give your interpretation. Share the ones you like or can’t figure out and ask someone to come here to provide their guess. If you are the owner of the license plate, comment and say hello!
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